In Advanced Poker Strategies: Winning Big with Bluffs (2014), you can read a detailed and digestible plan for increasing your ‘overall’ poker proficiency via: (i) bluff reading and exploitation; (ii) use of poker solvers; and (iii) play adaptation by means of a ‘general.

Confuse them by varying your play. Value hands should be raised and flat calls used for bluffs.

Betting intervals

Smart poker strategy takes poker further than any of the simple rules of poker in order to gain psychological advantage, mathematical advantage, or poker-skill advantage over opponents and maximise net winnings at the poker table. Advanced strategy is a collection of poker techniques to boost your advantage at the poker table and walk away with more money. Poker strategy takes intense commitment and time to learn, you’ll need to invest a good amount of time to master the basics but the rewards might just be worth it.

Choosing bet sizes that fit your value hands is another key part of any sophisticated poking winning plan — you don’t want your bluffs to be intuitive when you use them, and this will be true unless your non-value bets fit your good hands. Most importantly, checking a bluff almost never helps you close a player’s expected value from calling you.

What an integral part of an optimal winning GTO strategy is – stay even-keeled emotionally and keep your eyes on the tableSolution: Study, discuss and try to improve itStudy, get together with players, discuss the hands as much as possible, keep improvingGTO concepts (creation of your range, frequency, equilibrium strategies, preflop and postflop): research, understand, learn, use, use, use.

Limits in pot-limit tournaments

Playing with more advanced poker strategy is very important in high stakes tournaments when your opponents are very good. If you play against good players, you can learn about your opponents to read their betting patterns and gain an edge at the tables. This can help to increase your chances of winning at a poker table and make yourself stand out among other players.

A more sophisticated strategy might be to isolate only the nuttery value hands and to add some bluffs simply to generate maximum fold equity in 3-betting situations and to make your presence as unbearable as possible in order to survive in poker.

Raising it in position with small bets Another poker tip you can use to deny your opponents any glimmer of hope is a more sophisticated element of the betting strategy. You can force your opponents to call additional chips in order to possibly draw, and raise your bets more often to create additional speculative hands (so-called ‘gutterballs’ in poker language, ie suited connectors) that you can play preflop, and increase unpredictability in your moves through frequent bluffs.

Limits in no-limit tournaments

betting limits are one on the many important to poker game and a bet limit can either be no limit, fixed limit, pot limit, spread limit betting.

In no-limit games, you can put all your chips on the table at once, at any time and win big pots by betting all-in and bluffing or attacking. But going all-in means putting everything at risk and possibly getting knocked out of a tournament or game.

Limit games, on the other hand, have more structure; players are more likely to be focused on position; pot and implied odds are much easier to calculate; and since the amount any player can bet is limited (by the game in question), as is the potential maximum size of the pot, a player’s stack will be more easily maintained, and calling raises selectively will develop one’s discipline while helping your play effectively – no-limit tournament players lose more money than anyone else because they call too much.

Limits in pot-limit cash games

Pot-limit cash games involve betting structures that restrict the size of a bet only to what is in the pot. Players are usually restricted to putting in exactly as much money as is contained in the pot on each street. The betting structure is different than no limit cash games that allow a player to bet whatever amount he or she has in their stack.

The beauty of a pot limit cash game is that players can call, raise or fold at any time. But, if a player doesn’t want to lose entirely in the present moment, then it’s prudent not to call an out-sized bet when bluffing on later rounds of betting. Even though such a gamble increases risk, and that in itself can be quite the thrill, if your bluff of a river bet is called, it could easily amount to one of the most painful financial losses a person can experience.

In pot limit cash games, you can and should often straddle – where an Under the Gun player doubles the big blind before the hand starts. But he is adding to the pot without adding to the ante and blinds in proportion.

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