Most websites offer chat functions where players can interact with each other, join chat games and talk to other people connected from any part of the world – all this leading to the development of friendships.

These chat games can be number games, polls, trivia or seasonally themed.

Real-time communication

Communication tools allow the environment to be more conducive to the game, with players sharing tips, discussing tactics, relaying achievements and failures, even forming special-interest groups. They also encourage cultural exchange and language learning.

The types of exchanges that take place in chat games are very similar to real-life conversations; you would routinely see all the popular and cute text slang such as ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing), GR8 (great), JK (just kidding), BRB (be right back), etc, during chat games. The moderators of a chatroom (CMs, aka chat moderator) manage the conversation and control the flow of the game between players. Each chat game has its rules and regulations that CMs enforce. They also answer player queries and send rewards (eg, free bingo tickets or bonus points) to winners of the chat games. Rewards can help retain users and make them stick around.

Social aspect

Online bingo is a sociable activity, with inbuilt chatting functionality, so players can interact with one another in real time, sharing information, in a way that builds a sense of community which adds to the enjoyment of the game and even extends to new friendships. Oh, and by the way, bingo is a great way of meeting people!

Include social features, such as achievement and rewards systems, customisable avatars, team events, etc in online bingo games to facilitate connections between players. This helps their communities of gamers support each other more readily, and build up ties between each other.

Bingo chat games are often a source of entertainment between bingo roomies as they keep players socialising while they play bingo. You might win player points, rather than cash, which can be used to exchange for tickets or spins on the slots. Some both seasonal or holiday themes to their bingo game or topics that require players to answer the question correctly in order to win prizes. These kinds of chat games are typically found across almost all bingo websites.


Playing chat games is a great way to get the most out of your Bingo experience, and to make new friends with fellow online players – just like you’d do at the traditional bingo hall.

Chat games reflect date-related themes (eg: Christmas) or capitalise on actual events (eg: Treasure hunt: Our class is having a treasure hunt. Quick, someone tell me where the hidden treasure is). Some other types of chat games include anagrams, birthdays and word chain.

Rules of chat games differ, according to which site they are on; most are free and do feature innuendo and the occasional rogue puerile form of banter that would appeal to some and certainly not to others, but as with the Dutch kissing door trick, it helps create a community more than it smooths out humour, as you play in good company whether you’re playing live or waiting between games.


Online bingo chat games give players a chance to socialise together in real time and can be played at any time of day or night which means that people can exchange different kinds of information with each other at any time creating a sense of community with a support network.

Bonus credit can bring more players to your chat game, and since they are winning more prizes, the odds of bingo will increase, and the game will be more fun.

And playing online bingo’ chat games is a fun social exercise that, for some, will develop as it has for me over recent years – a way of meeting new people, expanding my circle of friends. Roomies can play chat games based on themes: anagrams, birthdays and word connect; some roomies I know have experienced the odd CsROK (Chat Sing-a-longas Karaoke) where the questions are asked and answers have to be typed in before they’re even called from the chatmaster (CM).

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